The Dirty 30 is a devastating backyard pest control weapon. I was certainly skeptical if even the 350mm EDgun Leshiy could produce enough power to accurately push the 44gr JSB or Polymag down range. I thought there was zero chance it could do so quietly… boy was I wrong!

As I was tuning the gun I was able to achieve 800fps and get about 8 shots. Out of the 350mm barrel and stock baffle I was surprised at how quiet it was. At this speed/power, It was a "few shot” backyard friendly, but not dump a tin and not bother anyone levels.
I was using the normal high-power HUMA reg at first, but as I tuned it down below 650fps I noticed a couple fliers. I gave Brian over at EDgun West a call for some advice, and was shocked at what he told me to try… the HUMA Sub 12 foot pound kit?!?!?! He has 100’s of thousands of rounds through the Leshiy so whom am I to question.

I dropped the weaker hammer spring in, swapped out the rest of the kit (Reg/Plenum, Valve, etc), and shot a few over the chrony. One quick note… for those familiar with the Sub 12 HUMA kit, it comes with this little plastic tube that reduces the volume in the plenum even further. This is needed in a true sub 12 config to help prevent power spikes… which if you’re in the UK can get you in some trouble! Anyways, the .30 doesn’t need this. I set the reg to pretty much it’s max (120bar) and with some adjustments to the hammer spring, I was able to get 10 shots within ~ 515fps with an extreme spread of 5 and standard deviation of 2 lol. For giggles I took it down to an actual sub 12 fpe configuration. It totally works, but probably won’t be effective outside 15-20 yards given speed and drop. As a side note, the tune I did settle on for the dirty 30 would be fine out to 50, and even more with the right scope and person pulling the trigger. Don’t be fooled by “industry standards”… test for yourself!

I got the thing zero’d, and at 20 yards I was stuffing them in a hole. I know I know... 20 yards, big deal... but if you get the opportunity to shoot stuff at 100+ yards then good on you, but if you're like the rest of us... your backyard pesting is 50 and in. This gun is capable, if you are, to shoot 100+, but the Dirty 30 isn't tuned for that. That hole gradually got a little bigger… something about the size of a dime, but who cares… this isn’t a paper punching setup for a BB gun contest… this is a pest whacking machine that fits in a backpack like the Mystery Ranch ASAP... along with a small bottle (like this guppy from Airtanks For Sale). I'm not knocking the big ole bench guns out there, but you'll need a duffle bag on wheels to carry it around through the woods ;). It's apples and oranges really. Room for both if you can afford it I guess.

I’ll let the video speak to the effectiveness, but I will tell you… I don’t think I’ll ever switch this barrel out. I might have to get a 2nd Leshiy (again - lol) to use .177 and my .25. With that said… I still have the Nasty 9 (.357) to use, but that might be a special occasion setup… we shall see ;)
To make your own Dirty 30, here’s what you’ll need:
1) Get yourself an EDgun Leshiy (while you can… they sellout fast). Make sure to let them know you want the Dirty 30 (350mm .30 barrel)
2) Sub 12 HUMA Kit for the Leshiy. This will give you the flexility to shoot slower (below 550), but you can also get up to about 650/680. If you plan to make it a cannon… the standard EDgun Reg or HUMA High-Power one will work great.
3) Pellets: I found the predator polymags to be a devastating round, and very accurate inside 35 yards. Get on Amazon
A bottle to fill the Leshiy. While I'm still getting 25-30 shots per fill with the Dirty 30 tune, if you're taking this bad boy on the road, a nice little pack friendly bottle would be ideal. The "Guppy" from is the perfect option. You'll get more than a tin of shots out of the dirty 30 tune, and double that it some of the other configurations of the Leshiy. You can grab one here:
Pew Pew,
T Leshiy