The internet is a funny place. So much great content from some super talented people that just goes largely unwatched, but then some dumb thing like a cat licking a window has 100million views. In the context and scale of my own little channel, the table for one was that dumb cat licking the window.

I mean listen, it doesn't fall short on me that I'm taking the life a critter during these videos, but what's interesting about that balance between Pest Control and entertainment is this table. It literally serves a purpose in both of those categories... a) It puts the squirrel in the perfect position for a humane shot, and b) it's clearly entertaining based on the response.
Anyways, who am I to judge what people like or not... as a content provider doing something I was going to do anyways... I might as well listen to what people are saying... and give them what they want... in my case, that was volume 2 of the Table for One - lol.

The EDgun Leshiy and EDgun Leyla 2.0... both in .25 cal did the heavy lifting in this video. As usual, the ATN X Sight 4K Pro was on top doing all the filming. I feel like they are just scratching the surface with what's possible, and I'm excited to see what they do software wise over the coming months.

I really got to put the glow-in-dark tracer pellets to use too. Wow... what a difference! I was going back and forth between them and normal pellets to do some further testing, and had no change in POI at 30 yards and in. I haven't shot any longer than that, so let me know in the comments if you try it... I'd love to know how they perform.
Anyways, here's The Table For One MK2...
Here's the full details on the kits used in this video...
Summary of my EDgun Leshiy
Gun: EDgun Leshiy in both .25 and .177 (find a dealer in your region)Barrel Length: 350mmAmmo: .25 Cal - JSB 25gr Kings and 26gr Polymags / .177 cal - JSB 13gr Monsters and HN Sniper MagnumRegulator: Hybrid HUMA setup...
HUMA Sub 12ft/lb Kit Plenum, Valve, Valve spring, and hammer spring. Then I use the standard high-power HUMA regulator. Why? Sounds like you're a details person... scroll down, and get your fill.
Tune: 105bar on the reg, and then turned HST up to get to the following...
JSB .25 Kings @ 545fps (16ft/lbs) and the
Polymags @ 520fps (15ft/lbs) and in .177 I shoot in ~ sub 12ft/lb config... so about 590-630fps depending on the pellet.
Rail Extension:Lion Gears 12 Slots 0.5' Low Profile Picatinny Rail Custom Grip: You need to join the
EDgun Owners Facebook group. Simply search for custom grip, and you'll find Steven Brown. He's your man.
Note: The Leshiy is really tuned for the .25... while just an adjustment of the HST is sufficient, if it was the primary setup, I'd 100% tweak the reg setup to just the standard sub 12ft/lb kit, and other subsequent changes. This works for me, and is fine for my purposes when I want to quickly drop in the .177
Summary of my EDgun Leyla 2.0
Gun: EDgun Leyla 2.0 in .25 cal (find a dealer in your region)Ammo: 34gr JSB MK2Regulator: Ed's new reg for this gun is sick. I haven't even had to touch it when shooting between 580 - 900fps.Tune: I simply adjusted HST to shoot the 34gr JSB MK2's at about 585fps (26ft/lbs)